Renegade Rabbi
Paperback, 150 pages, $17.95
ISBN-10: 0940646773
ISBN-13: 978-0940646773
Kindle / eBook, $9.95 (no indices)

Renegade Rabbi
Manuel Gold
Foreword by Rabbi Seymour Rossel
Appreciations by Dr. Robert M. Seltzer, Rabbi Gary M. Bretton-Granatoor, Dr. Philip Stern, and Dr. Jeffrey H. Tigay
Intriguing issues stand above the practical questions. • How could people in Bible times hear God’s voice (page 60)? • What was idolatry and what made it so alluring (page 84)? • Did the rabbis of old dabble in demons and magic (page 97)? • How do we know what we think we know about the Bible (page 27)? • How did Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob make a living and why were they so successful (page 77)? • Did Moses actually have a speech defect (page 73)?
Rabbi Manuel Gold is aptly called a Renegade Rabbi. He has served every Jewish movement as a rabbis’ rabbi and an educators’ educator. He was National Director of Teacher and Principal Education for the Reform movement, Academic Coordinator of the Schools of Education and Sacred Music at Hebrew Union College in New York, Lecturer in Education in the HUC-JIR Rabbinic School, and Director of the Teacher Center at the Board of Jewish Education of New York.
Paperback Edition
Kindle Edition