Jewish Dreams
Interactive Workshops & Author-in-Residence Weekends
Rediscover an authentic and ancient Jewish tradition: the art of spiritual dreaming.
Reawaken the prophetic spirit that transformed Jewish lives through the ages.
Discover the Bible’s power to reshape and transform us.
Explore the meaning of dream texts in the Torah, Prophets, and Writings.
Study biblical texts that are immediately relevant to our everyday lives.
Is the “D”-mail in your life going unanswered?
Is there such a thing as Jewish dream interpretation?
Can modern Jewish dreamers experience prophetic dreams?
Are there archetypal Jewish dreams?
Do dreams bring us the word of God?
Are we ready to hear the answers that dreams may bring?
“Turn [the Torah], turn it, and turn it again — everything is in it.”
The sages teach that all answers may be sought in the Torah. Rabbi Rossel explores a unique way of turning Torah study into a lifelong obsession — an age-old key to reading the Bible that modern folk are only beginning to understand.
While most paths to heightened Jewish awareness (prayer, meditation, mitzvot, and tikkun olam) require us to reach out and embrace them, dreaming does not wait to be embraced. Our dreams come to us unbidden and, too often, remain unexplored. All of us dream, but few of us have learned how to connect our dreaming and our Jewish spirituality.
The Talmud teaches that God reaches out to us through dreams—bringing us guidance, sustaining and nourishing our spirits, healing and refreshing us. As Rabbi Hisda put it, “A dream not interpreted is like a letter not read” [Ber. 55a]. Is there a lot of “D”-mail in our lives going unanswered?
Suggested Formats

Two sessions with Rabbi Seymour Rossel on Jewish Dreams
The first, "A Stairway to Heaven," examines the text of Jacob’s "ladder" dream. The second, "Wrestling with the Angels," focuses on Jacob’s wrestling episode. Along the way, we discuss how our ancestors communicated with God, how dreams were viewed in ancient times, how prophecy and dreams are related, and how our dreams can bring us new spirituality.

Six presentations on Jewish Dreams: The Spiritual Quest
Begin with a Friday evening sermon, followed by a text study on Saturday morning, one in the afternoon, the Havdalah experience based on a Hasidic dream text, a Saturday evening of dream sharing, and a wrap-up and text study for Sunday morning.
Included are the two topics described in the One-Day Workshop along with an examination of the dream of King Solomon (entitled, "Dream Gifts"), and the text of Abraham’s dream before the sacrifice of Isaac (entitled, "What Dreams May Bring").
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