Ancient Jewish Mysticism
God's Chariot: From Talmud to Medieval Times
Jewish mysticism was already evident in Biblical times, but encounters with Hellenism from the West and Zoroastrianism from the East accelerated its development. Absorbing these influences, Jewish mysticism emerged in uniquely Jewish ways. It can be arranged into two elemental periods, divided by movements before and movements after the emergence of Kabbalah and, especially, the publication of the Zohar.
(For destinations that seek intensive study, Rossel has crafted two separate courses: This, "God’s Chariot," the first, concentrates on Jewish mysticism from ancient to medieval times. Either course stands on its own; and for destinations with less time commitment, various segments of each course can also stand alone.)
Available Topics Include
Basic Mystic Concepts: Transformation, Gnosis, Allegory, & Piety
The Mother Goddess: Restoring the Role of the Feminine
The Mystic Prophets
Intimations of Intimacy: Mystic Books of the Apocrypha
The Work of Creation
The Work of the Chariot
Dealing with Demons: Aramaic Magic Bowls
Mystics & Magicians: Sefer Razim, "The Book of Secrets"
Sefer Yetzirah, "The Book of Creation"
Golem: Practical Mysticism
Hasidei Ashkenaz: Mystics along the Rhine
Kalonymus: The Pious Family
Judah the Pious and Eleazar of Worms
The School of Provence
Gnosticism: Secrets Behind Secrets
Sefer HaBahir, "The Book of Brightness"
Hasidei Ashkenaz: Their Rituals & Their Practice
Lilith: A Pictorial Essay
Protections against Armies of Medieval Demons
Isaac the Blind & His Spanish Students
Abraham Abulafia & The Tenets of Prophetic Kabbalah
Origins of the Zohar
The Doctrine of Sefirot: A Pictorial Essay
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