Ten Commandments for Classroom Discipline
Best Practices from Master Teachers
For teachers of students at any grade level, Kindergarten to adult, this session gets back to basics.
The Ten Commandments of Classroom Discipline help teachers stay on track, manage the classroom with new dexterity, and motivate students to stay on task. The result is a classroom that spends more time on teaching and less time on management.
This workshop is interactive and challenges skilled teachers to apply what they already know and new teachers to learn what they need to know. (90 minutes to 3 hours)
• Enjoy Your Work •
Studies show that with improved classroom discipline
Classes are more exciting and more fun for students
Classes are more exciting and more fun for teachers
Learning is transmitted with greater ease
Learning becomes more fluid & (most importantly) more memorable!
Why wouldn’t we want it?

• Make it happen!

Another Teacher In-Service

And Another

And One More